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· 4 hours

Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Land-based Cleanup

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 · 1:30 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

*Advanced Registration Required to Attend*

Join a group of SPC Advance 2022 attendees for a closing activity to the event by spending an afternoon volunteering with Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s cleanup project. This cleanup is sponsored by the Recycled Paperboard Alliance. We will be picking up trash in and around the Chattahoochee river OR a tributary to the river. Trash can consist of plastic bottles, bags, balls (of every type), toys, tires, car parts, building materials, and yes even the kitchen sink. We will be wading in the water and/or walking along the banks. Even a little bit of bush-whacking might be involved. Lifting of wet, trash-laden garbage bags required.

We will provide cut resistant gloves, trash bags and pickers. There will be a water cooler (bring your own reusable water bottle), snacks, first aid, hand sanitizer, bug spray and sunscreen.
What to wear: Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting very dirty and wet, long pants are highly recommended as some of the trash can be sharp or have jagged materials. Dress weather appropriate, we will be outdoors the entire time. Rain boots, waders, water shoes or old sneaker recommended, absolutely no open toed shoes or sandals. You will not be allowed to participate without proper footwear.
All participants will be required to sign a Liability Waiver Form prior to participating. SPC will provide these forms to confirmed participants.

Departure from hotel lobby: 1:30 pm
Approximate arrival back: 5:30 pm

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By